The Link Between Faith and Feelings

The Father must be touched with the feelings. According to how you feel will determine how you will get answered. These are the ways of God. God has an obsession to be believed. If you do not believe Him, then He simply will not answer you. Without faith it is impossible to please him. If you do not have faith, and you do not produce faith, you cannot please God. So the only way to please the Father is to believe the Father.

God withholds from those who doubt. Anything that is being withheld from you, it is because you doubted God. If there is anything that is withheld from me, it is because I doubted Him. I can take this a bit further and say if anything is being withheld from me I doubted myself—I doubted the God in me.

The only reason you have things that are held back from you, and are not possessing that things you desire, is because you doubt in one area or another. Now I know that is a very large pill for most people to swallow. That is hard for you to accept. Traditional Christianity teaches you that God is holding back on you because of sin in your life, or because you did something wrong years ago. The only sin that is stopping you from receiving the good that you desire is the sin of doubt. Each time you doubt God, you actually doubt God’s ability in you.


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What are the promises God gave that you are still doubting right now?

How Does it Feel to Be Rich?

How can you get rich and stay rich? God helps us to be so.

God really does not hear what you say with your mouth. There are so many people that have spent time on their knees in prayer crying out to God yet have not received any answers to their prayers. The first thing is that prayer is not you always voicing your opinions, concerns, and request to God. Prayer is a dialog not a monolog. So as much as you speak, you should listen within your heart to hear what God is saying.  God is always speaking, but you must quiet yourself long enough to hear what He is saying to you. Note that I said that you should listen within your heart to hear what God is saying. If you listen in your heart to hear what God is saying, then what do you suppose God listens to, to hear what you are saying? God only hears what you say in your consciousness. God only hears you heart.

You ask, “I thought that you were supposed to say the right things and speak forth words that are positive?”  That is true. But the major thing here is that your words alone are really meaningless.Your words must be accompanied by feeling.  You have to feel it in your heart. If there is any doubt in you that you cannot receive or achieve that which you have spoken, then God cannot hear you.  You then disconnect yourself from spirit. You disconnect yourself from spirit not because you said the wrong words, or said the wrong things, but rather because you felt the wrong vibration when you spoke. God reaches to feel you. If he cannot feel you, He does not answer you. The only prayers that get answered are felt-prayers. You do not get fulfillment until there is full-feel-ment. If there is no feeling, there is not going to be any filling. That is why, even when Jacob was getting ready to get blessed by Isaac, he said:

Come close so that I might feel thee. I want to see if you are my very son.


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Are you just saying you want to be rich? Are you not feeling it?

God Teaches You to Profit

Thus saith the Lord, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am the Lord thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go. If there is anything or anyone that does not teach you to profit, that teaching is not from God. Thus saith the Lord, thy Redeemer. God knows that you were already bound, that is why He understands you need to be redeemed. You need to be bought back. Being redeemed also carries the meaning of reinstatement. You won’t get freed from some situations until the Redeemer frees you, or until you are reinstated.

If you are not reinstated, if you do not come into the clarity or the wisdom of what you are really supposed to be demonstrating, you are living beneath your privilege. Do you not know that there is a certain level of life, a certain quality of living, and a certain point where God wants to bring you, where abundance becomes a natural thing? At this point abundance becomes a way of life for you. It becomes second nature for you. It is the will of God for you to prosper. It is God’s will for you to get up and stay up.Whenever you are down it is only a reminder that you have the power to get back up again.



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Who can you connect with to give you spiritual wisdom for how to profit?

What Are You Committed to? It’s What’s Making Your Rich or Poor!

As with any subject, the best way to learn is through repetition. Repetition is the mother of learning. When you keep repeating something over and over and over and over again, eventually it will begin to stick. In time it will connect, and bring you into your destiny. Repetition brings you into the proper alignment, if you are repeating the right things. The rich become and stay rich because they have learned the secrets of the wealthy and they repeat those secrets, not just once in a while but every single day until the repetitions become a habit.

Once those repeated secrets become your habit, then they become your character, and in time you will live perpetually of the fruits of you reverberations. Successful people very often do the same things over and over until they get the desired result. The poor lack the patience and the perseverance to do something long enough to get different results. The rich do not invest every once in a while; they invest all of the time. Investing for them is a repeated habit.


A man who enjoys a six-pack abdominal section, with a thirty-three inch waistline, with a forty-six inch chest built to last did not get his figure just from going to the gym once or twice. He received his figure from working out repeatedly. The famous rapper L. L. Cool J is not only known for his rapping and musical genius, but also for having a really good physique. If you ask him how did he get his figure he’ll be the first to admit that he worked out every single day for years.


And even now, he still works hard at maintaining his physical status by working out daily. Great basketball players practice on the court every day. Great writers don’t write every now and then. They write every day!  Prolific preachers don’t preach only when they show up for service on Sunday morning, no, they are rehearsing the sermon in their imagination all of the time, so when the opportunity to share good tidings arrives they are ready. Repetition does not just make you rich it prepares you for riches.


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What should you start committing to mastering today?

The Mother of Skill: Repetition

No matter which way you look at it, we are all in a business, and it is the business of getting rich. Some struggle along the way and never really learn how to master this system. Others become skilled at the art of increase, and seemingly everything they touch turns into gold. Then the most dangerous group, is the one that never really make it to riches nor do they ever quite experience the pangs of poverty. They are sort of in between.

They are neither hot nor cold. They are just lukewarm. The reason why this group is so dangerous is because they really do not have a real identity. And when you do not have an identity you never really fit in anywhere, and you don’t know what you should be committed to. The rich are committed to riches and wealth. The poor are committed to doing things, thinking thoughts, and saying words, that will keep them poor. The people in between don’t endorse poverty, and neither do they endorse riches.  I guess you can say they are a bit confused.  At any rate, you must be committed to something. And the rich, the God fearing people, are committed to profit. Knowing how to profit is not something that just comes naturally, you must learn to profit.

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What must you keep doing in order to master the art of increase?


Aren’t you so glad you are alive?

I am so glad that I am in the land of the living. When I speak of the land of the living, I am not referring to 310 Riverside Drive, New York City, or the sidewalk outside your home. This, experience called life, is the land of the living. Just because you are alive does not mean that you are living. There are millions of people walking around each day and they are the walking dead. They are breathing, but that does not mean they are living. They may be on life support.

Those that are truly living are enjoying life to the fullest. The truly living are not discouraged or depressed.  They know intuitively that life is what you make of it, and they are eagerly determined to create the life of their dreams.  Each day for the “living” is a most wondrous adventure, one to look forward to everyday.  Unlike the survivors, and the strugglers, the living souls create the life that they desire through the use of their imagination, understanding the purpose of profit, and knowing how repetition aids in the overall process of reaching their goals.


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What door of life are you knocking unto right now to be opened?

Is God Obsessed?

God is obsessed for only one thing, and that is to be believed. If you do not believe him, He will not hear you. Even Jesus, who is the Son of God, could do no mighty works in Nazareth, because in Nazareth the people did not believe him. If you cannot believe me, I cannot manifest for you. God has an obsession to be believed. That is a real distinction concerning the rich.  No matter where a person is spiritually, in terms of an outward expression of spirituality, the real deal concerning where a person is, comes down to their faith—their ability to believe unbelievable things. It really doesn’t matter what kind of business you choose to go into, you will need capital to start it or to keep it going.

The larger the business the more you’ll have to invest. And all business investments involve risk taking. Yet risk taking is actually one of the laws of thinking called the law of risk. The law of risk requires much faith. Not only does risks involve faith, it also involves thought.  And because everything operates from the inverse, you can declare without reservation that God is obsessed when I believe on Him.  Inversely,  when I believe on God I become obsessed with God’s obsession and within the mix of that perfect blend my riches are birthed. In my book, The Laws of Thinking: 20 Secrets to Using The Divine Power of Your Mind To Mani fest Prosperity, I speak of the faith-risk connection:


You need to live a life of faith, never pausing or hesitating.

You need to jump knowing there’s going to be a net there.

You need to set in motion what takes lots of money even though you don’t have an extra dollar in your pocket. Risk is about action, not consideration.



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God is Moving – Can You Tell?

Someone may say, “Well, I’ve asked and I didn’t get it.” In all realness, you have never asked and not received. Perhaps what you thought was asking, was not asking at all. Maybe you were wishing, dreaming, hoping, or even desiring, but you never really asked. Every one that asks receives. There is a secret in asking for that which you desire. You cannot ask with the beginning in mind. You cannot ask from the position in which you stand right now. You have to ask with the end in mind. That is the only real way to ask and receive.

Deep within you must know that you have already received what you ask for before you ask. When you ask, you have to possess the authority of God, meaning that you are asking from a position of power and inner conviction that what you are asking for already belongs to you. Asking, from the perspective of the rich is different than asking from the perspective of the poor. When the poor ask, they don’t really feel like they deserve what they ask for, and generally don’t get anything. The rich ask with expectation of receiving.

The poor ask, and when they do not receive they pretty much act as if that’s normal. They don’t expect much at all. Rich people have an entirely different attitude about things. When they ask, not only do they expect to receive, they will get an attitude, and get all bent out of shape. In their consciousness they do not believe they can or should be denied any good thing. It is that attitude of knowing that ensures that you will receive whatever you ask for.  You have to ask the right way. Ask knowing.


He that seekeeth,  findeth.


“I didn’t find anything.”  Well, you did not seek.  When you really seek, you always find.  Are you specific about what you are seeking after, or is it somewhat vague?  You have to be clear about what you are seeking.  Whatever you seek, is also seeking you. There is a level of aggressiveness that you have to apply to certain situations in life where you expect results. You say you knocked, but really you didn’t knock hard enough.  Nothing is life is denied you. You have only denied yourself.


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Are you asking and not receiving?

Seek, Knock, and Ask

… seek, and ye shall find; …

What you are seeking? Your honest answer to that question will reveal much about you. The secret is that .the same thing you are seeking, is also seeking you. Seek and ye shall find. So, as you are seeking, you are also finding, simultaneously. That is a divine law.


… knock, and it shall be opened unto you : …



Anything you knock on has to open onto you. When we speak of knocking, this is not about knocking on an external, physical door. When you knock and the door is opened to you, it is speaking of the door of your consciousness; giving yourself permission to become the thing you  are knocking for.



For every one that asketh receiveth; …





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It’s Yours, Why Aren’t You Claiming It?

How do you claim it? It’s not really more on the name-it-claim-it philosophy the world is claiming. THAT’s not going to work. You need to ASK God, and claim it from HIM through prayer. Declaring something is yours does not make it yours. Declaring it according to the promises of Jesus, according to HIS NAME, is what makes it yours.


You have not because you ask not. This is one of the main principles that drive the success of rich people. Rich people are not afraid to ask. Why are you afraid? One of the ancient secrets that the rich knows and regularly employs is this: Asking is key to receiving.  Asking is a stronger force than just having a desire. You can desire more money, but desire alone won’t get you more money. In fact, most people desire more money, but very few have more.  Wishing for money is probably less powerful than desiring. Wishful thinking is more like a gamble or crap shoot. You really don’t get very much in life wishing on a shooting star.


You may dream about money, and still you wake up broke. Your dreams are only blueprints to the building that you are creating in life. The building will have to be erected after the prints are done. Looking at blueprints all day long will never get anything built. You have to do something. One other thing is that people who need money always look for their money in others; they look outside themselves. Everything that you will ever need in life exists on the inside of you.


The scripture tells you to ask and it will be given you. However, I believe the asking is not so much asking the God that is out there in heaven, but rather asking the God that is within you. You have to ask yourself. When you think about the reality of all that you have entered into, you had to give yourself permission to step into that reality. Whatever you ask of yourself, it will be given to you.


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What is God telling you in the name of Jesus Christ today?

God Moves Supernaturally, When There are No Leftovers

The poor woman who offered her all in the offering, Jesus commended — because she understood God’s system for wealth. Wow! This women cast in all of her living. When was the last time that you gave your living? You are giving so that you can experience true living. Giving is not measured by the amount that you give, but by the amount that you have left over after you have given. Giving gets the attention of God when the gift is right. When the gift is right, then and only then does it get God’s attention. When your gift is wrong, you get someone else’s attention. Who is attending to your case?  Whose attention are you receiving?


Today we just received an offering and someone got attention. Either God took notice and gave attention to the seed, or the seed was withheld or not representing what really should have been sown, then Satan has been served notice, and he gave his attention to your need. Your seed will always attract attention. You attract attention through either your seed or your need. The seed will always outweigh your need. Whatever you are doing, you have to make a decision as to whether you are going to keep the need or are you going to release the need. How do we release the need? —Through the seed! Giving gets God’s attention, when the gift is right.Prove me now and see if I will not open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.


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Is your giving right?

God is Moving – Can You Tell?

One of the major warnings of the ancient teachers is that one must never concern themselves with how spirit does a particular job.  How God does what He does, is never your business, that’s God’s business. One thing I do know is when God moves. And God always moves when there are no leftovers. Lets face it; many of us have not really done any serious giving, because we still have leftovers. God moves supernaturally when there are no leftovers. What does leftovers mean? Leftovers are, “Just in case God does not come through, then I will fall back on this.”

This is where we start to understand giving. If you have a hundred dollars and keep it, and continue to focus on what you do not have, even that which you have will be eventually taken away from you. However, when you give it, you will keep hundreds, because the seed always multiplies back to you repeatedly.


For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.

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Are you in the habit of having your own back up plan, in case God’s way does not push through?