Never Say I Am Weak

Here’s one thing you should do TODAY: Stop discussing your weakness. I will tell you why, because when you discuss your weakness, you unleash an energy that seeks to bring that weakness into further manifestation. There are things that I may pass through and things that I have gone through in life that you may never hear me discuss.  If it were discussed with emotion, you would get all caught up in the whole web, because emotion creates motion.

By discussing it you unleash a power that brings that weakness into some serious manifestations. You only discuss weaknesses that you want highlighted in your experience. If you do not want that weakness to manifest, then you had better find another conversation. When you are discussing your weakness, you lend energy to it. Life is far too precious than to add unnecessary luggage to weight down your journey.


While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. Weakness is only weakness when you see it.  However, you are supposed to be busy looking at the unseen. You have no business looking at the seen. You are supposed to be looking at the formless, not the form. You are supposed to be looking at the invisible, not the visible. That is one of the tricks about television. When you are looking at television, or videos, or whatever, you are the consumer, and you are judged for being the consumer, they take money from you. The only one that is paid is the producer. The producer looks at the unseen, but the consumer looks at the seen. The producer sees the invisible and is rewarded for doing so.


This is the spiritual law that is rewarded on all levels. An architect is paid for looking at the unseen, for looking at the visible. The buyer of the form is the consumer. Life pays those well who masters seeing in the realm of the unseen. The individuals who are paid well are those that can see the unseen. You can get paid, but you’ll always get paid less, for doing what is seen. We look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. … for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things  which are not seen are eternal. The things which are not seen are eternal. Our objective is to get you looking from the realm of eternity, not the realm of the temporary.



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What are the conversations you can talk about aside from your weaknesses?


The Law of Familiarity

You cannot be found until you are lost. You cannot come into the kingdom until you lose sight of the kingdom. You have to go away from God in order to come to God. You cannot come to what you have always been into. You will have no appreciation of the Father until you are without the Father. You have no appreciation of glory until you are without glory. This is called the Law of Familiarity. If you do not know what it is to struggle, then you will not know what it means to win. That is why there are some things you have to intentionally put yourself through, in order to come into.


That is why we say to reach for the stars. Reach for that which appears to be impossible, that way, when you attain it, then it is an accomplishment. One thing you will understand about success in life is that success is a journey, never a destination. You never arrive. You keep going from glory to glory. Poverty and shame shall be to him that refuseth instruction: but he that regardeth reproof shall be honored. You need to get the books of people that are wealthy, and allow them to mentor you through their books. You can get recordings of individuals that are wealthy and allow them to mentor you through their teaching.


As you have digested the knowledge and wisdom from their books and their recordings, when you get into their presence, you will know how to ask the right questions. Everyone you need to meet, you can meet them in their writings. There will be times when even I will teach, but not from this form. You may come into a service and I may teach you from behind the drapes, you will not see this form. Sometimes the form can captivate you, so much so that you miss the message that really needs to be formed.


How many times do we miss the message because we are sizing up the form? You are looking at the form, discerning the form, and looking at what the form looks like today. How is the form moving today? How was the form vibrating today? Sometimes God wants to teach us from the formless. One thing that you will begin to understand is that size has no meaning in the kingdom. A lot of times you miss your mentor because you discerned, or was looking for, a form. You were looking for your mentor to come into a certain type of way, on a certain type of form. And in that you can become all too familiar with your mentor.


Don’t get fascinated with forms. Life is an illusion. Everything on the planet, which is seen is temporal, which means, everything, which is seen, is a lie. So, therefore, everything that you pass through in this realm is nothing but a lie. While we look not at the things which are seen … You should not look at the things which are seen. One of the serious entrapments that keep us from coming into the fullness of the blessings of God is that we are busy looking at the things, which are seen.

A lot of things will paint a certain picture, but it is when you lend your belief to that picture, or that image, the thing will begin to break forth. It is difficult to receive from one whom you are too familiar.  One thing you must commit to is always being a student. Always seek to learn more. Realize that your mentor always has more to teach you, that he may not have taught you before. Study your mentor. Feed from your mentor. And enjoy the process.

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You Were in Glory

Again Jesus asked his Father:

…glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.

Before you came here, you were in glory. Now, looking at it from that perspective, all of you have sinned. How did you sin? Because when you came to earth you fell short of His glory. You fell from his glory to come \into His glory. You left a highly place to come down to a lowly place, to be lifted up again. Understand that the word glory is also translated from the Hebrew to mean wealth. So then, the glory of God on a person’s life is not necessarily that person’s ability to religious things.


The glory on a person’s life, is the ability to make manifest, and to make known the riches and wealth of God’s Kingdom on earth. I realize that you will need a good investor as a mentor, or someone to teach you the real estate game, and how to start businesses from scratch. All of those things are completely fine. I still maintain though that you need to find a spiritual mentor who has a revelation about wealth as your starting point.


A good spiritual leader will know how to point you in the right direction and connect you with the right people to increase the Glory of God in and on your life. A broke pastor will only break you, not because of malicious intent, but because you can only give to others that which you are.


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Who is your spiritual mentor for abundance?

Are You Investing in the Right Things?

You ask, “How will I know if I am investing in the right area, the area where I will receive the greatest return from my investment of time?” Only invest into areas that you have ability and talent. Whatever you are gifted to do, do it. Keep doing it. God has gifted me with the ability to prophesy.

That is what I spend the majority of my time doing. I am also gifted to write books.


Aside from teaching, I spend the vast majority of my time doing what I am able to do. You already have abilities.  Focus on your strengths by investing time in the areas of your greatest return. That is what the rich do. Bill Gates does computers. Warren Buffet does investments. Oprah Winfrey does television and media. What are you doing? Where are you investing your time?  Are you properly utilizing your time?  Your honest answer to those questions will reveal whether or not you are wicked or if you will enter into the joy of the Lord.


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What are the things you unknowingly are investing in?

You Cannot Reap What You Have Not Sown

This unwise steward received improper information about his Lord. His perception of his Lord is what kept him away from his treasure or from getting wealthy. How he viewed his master; limited him from becoming a wise individual with wealth generating power. So instead of him seeing the value in his master he began to criticize his master. What you don’t value you will criticize.


What you don’t appreciate will depreciate.

… reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed:


That was one of his problems. But I believe his greater problem was in the next verse, 25. And I was afraid. When a person improperly handles his master, they will open themselves up to the spirit of fear. Fear will always paralyze your faith. Let me ask you, what are you afraid of? The acronym for fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. Fear will freeze out your emotions. And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo,there thou hast that is thine. His lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, …


The master called this man a wicked servant. If you do not generate wealth, make money, and increase money, you are a wicked servant. If you are not a producer, you are wicked. Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed:


Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury. Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents.This parable shows us in a very fundamental sense that when you improperly invest your time it will always lead to some form of wicked action.


Your time in life should be focusing on investing so that you will have a return from your investments. When I talk about investing, I am not only speaking about investing your money. I am also talking about investing your time in areas that are going to produce a return in your life.

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How are you being a wicked servant?

God Only Works According to Your Ability

When he that had received the five talents

went and traded with the same, and made

them other five talents. And likewise he

that had received two, he also gained other two.

Matt 25:16-17


God gives you talents, or money or resources, to double it. That is the main reason why He gives it to you. If you are not doubling your money, or increasing yourself, in time everyone will discover what kind of servant you are, including yourself. But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord’s money. Matthew 25:18


This man hid his lord’s money. Hiding your talent will not generate wealth for you. You have to put it (your talent) to work.

After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them. And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more.


His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of

thy lord. He also that had received two talents came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two talents: behold, I have gained two other talents beside them. His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

Matthew 25:19-23


Notice something here, the individuals who doubled their money, or gained more talents, he said to them “well done good and faithful servant.” Their compliment of “well done” had nothing to do with holiness. In most church circles we put too much emphasis on the wrong things. We major in the things that God is not continuously harping on.

In the scripture, when the children of Israel got judged, it was not a holiness problem they had to deal with, it was a hunger problem. What do you have an appetite for? If you are not greedy for it, you do not get it. … thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown,…v.23,24.



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What are you willing to sow today?


The Parable of the Talents

While many people look at the Parable of The Talents as a parable that deals with bad stewardship of money, it is much more than that. This famous parable has much to do with how a servant chooses to utilize his time. I would like to look at this parable from different perspectives so that you can gain a better understanding of how to best use your time in life, and make the investments in areas that will yield the greatest return for you.  Remember again, that time and investments are words that can be used interchangeably.


For the kingdom of heaven is as a man traveling into a far country, who called his own

servants, and delivered unto them his goods.

And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey.

Matthew 25:14-15


In verse 14, we begin to see that a man that went to a far country and delivered unto them his goods. Every person on earth has been given the good called time. Also, every human has been given goods, a talent, and ability. God only works with you according to your ability. You must recognize that truth.  God will never give you more than you are able to handle. This is why people really have no need to complain in life about being overloaded with burdens that they cannot handle. If you have a weight on your shoulders, God has put within you an ability to be able to overcome each and every situation. God only gives to you that which you can bare.


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What do you think the Lord has given you? What does it say about what you are capable of?


When Your Life is Stuck

As long as you can live with today, today will become tomorrow. The moment you say, “This is it, enough is enough,” then today is thrown in the oven. Your today could be the tomb or the womb. You choose. Your today could be the day you bury that thing, or cause the thing to become resurrected. If you are learning to live with it, then you are negotiating with life. “How you can keep this baby alive? When you have had enough, you will say, “Bury this baby,” knowing that it was really never a baby in need of sustenance but rather a blood-sucking parasite. It’s up to you to know the difference.


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How are you going to make today a WOMB for a new tomorrow?

Who is Your Neighbor Mentor?

Every mentor has to be discerning. Everything that is hanging is not hanging on for life. Some people are just sucking, but not doing it for the purpose of living. They are sucking for the same reason that a full baby sucks, just to be pacified and lulled off to sleep.  Not only should you discern that one whom you will mentor in life, but you also must watch out for individuals that will show up in your life in the name of volunteerism.


So many people will come into your life saying, “I’m here to help you.” Often those relationships end up in failure and much hurt. Why?  It is because parasitical people do not bring anything to add to your life, but when you add up the sum total at the end of the year, they just took, took, took, and took! You, no one else is responsible to get those parasites out of your house and out of your life.  Like vampires, these takers come out at night when they cannot see any daylight. They live off your life because they do not have a life. Get a life! And make sure that you only hang out with people that have a life too.

This is your wake up call. Honestly ask this question. Am I a parasite or do I have parasites in my life?  If your neighbor is a parasite, it they will suck the life out of you and leave you dead. Perhaps you might be a bit perturbed by my frankness. Go ahead get mad.  I want to provoke you to take action.  Unless you get angry about your present, you will not come into a new future. Your future only comes, and is based upon the condition of your anger today.


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Know Thy Neighbor

. .you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD.

Leviticus 19:18

I  am in the business of being, getting, multiplying, and just being rich. I am in the neighborhood of the rich. Understand that just because a person lives next door to you, does not mean they are your neighbors. A next-door neighbor is a person that is next door in consciousness. Everyone that is around you is not your next-door neighbor. There are a lot of people that I have rubbed next to today, but we are not in the same neighborhood, because we are not vibrating at the same frequency. My neighbors vibrate at the same frequency as I do. Therefore, it is important for you understand what a neighborhood is.

You used to think that neighborhood was, because a person lived right next door to you. In one way that was true. As you evolve in conscious- ness, you will begin to notice that your zip code will start to change. When you evolve in consciousness, and become more filled with the principles of God’s work, your zip code will have to change. Your housing situation will change. No longer will you be able to live at just any address. Conscious- ness will choose the right place for you to live, the place you are supposed to be.

Your workstation will change. And those people vibrating around you will change. As a matter of fact, you will have a grieving period, a postpartum depression, because you have someone on you right now that is tied to you with an umbilical cord, that God is about to sever. God is about to get someone off your breast that has been nursing on you and have become a parasite. You have to watch out for parasitical relationships. Neighbors are there to be a blessing not a curse. Relationships that drain you are not worth having. That is why there is a fine line between mentor, or mentoring someone and a parasite.



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Who is your neighbor?

Create Your Reality

Start to draw it into your realm of reality. I will lead you into a meditation. As you are seated right now, lift your eyes slightly upward, about twenty degrees. You are going to bring that which is; up in the heavens, the heavens of your mind. Right now you see it on your mental screen, see Jesus holding it, ready to present it into your realm of matter. God is taking what is in the realm of the invisible and bringing it into the visible.

Now, your imagination is creation. What is the finished product that you are looking to see manifest? Give yourself permission to have it, by your eyes beholding it. Feel it become more and more real in your experience. Feel the joy of having; the joy of knowing, feel the joy of understanding this is your divine right. Feel the joy! Now that all of these things have become real in your experience, feel it as if it happening now! Whatever was in the past is no longer in the picture. This new found feeling is in the picture, for it is set within your life.


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What can your imagination create?

Be The First to Give

Relationships are destroyed when others cannot give back to you the way the universe demands for them to give back. They walk away mad with you, because they refuse to be the channel to harvest back what is supposed to come to them by divine law. That is where you get envy, jealousy, strife, and stress, and people getting upset. So always know that in any relationship, be the first one to give. When you are the first one to give that means you are guaranteed a harvest out of the relationship.


With every person I do business with, I try to get their birthdays. Why do I do that? I want to remember them. I’ve created a system to remember people on his or her birthday and give something to them. It might just be a box of candy that cost $4.00. You should try this with your boss. That gift can generate a five percent or a ten percent increase in your raise. Other employees may not give anything to their boss; they are only trying to take from them.


Relationships are destroyed when others cannot give back to you the way the universe demands for them to give back. They walk away mad with you, because they refuse to be the channel to harvest back what is supposed to come to them by divine law. That is where you get envy, jealousy, strife, and stress, and people getting upset. So always know that in any relationship, be the first one to give. When you are the first one to give that means you are guaranteed a harvest out of the relationship.


With every person I do business with, I try to get their birthdays. Why do I do that? I want to remember them. I’ve created a system to remember people on his or her birthday and give something to them. It might just be a box of candy that cost $4.00. You should try this with your boss. That gift can generate a five percent or a ten percent increase in your raise. Other employees may not give anything to their boss; they are only trying to take from them.


Your weekly dose of prophetic wisdom and anointing awaits you. Join our LIVE Conference Call!


1) Call 515-604-9266

2) Go to, and use the login: BishopJordan

Lift your eyes upwardslightlyandimagineright now what you want. Write

it down here