God said, “For I know what I have planned for you. I have plans to prosper you, not to harm you. I have plans to give you a future filled with hope.” |
(Jer. 29:11).

Sin not only separates us from God, it also destroys the good plans the Lord desires for us.

Sin not only separates us from God, it also destroys the good plans the Lord desires for us. This is exactly what happened to Israel when they responded to God’s speech-act with stiff-necked disbelief. Supposed to be, the first generation of Israelites who went out of Egypt should directly enjoy the blessings of the Land of milk and honey. But while on their journey to Canaan, their murmurings and disputing had kindled the Lord’s anger. Doubt hindered them from possessing the promised blessings. And so, in Moses’ preaching in Deuteronomy 1:19-33, he recapped the consequences of Israel’s disbelief. Moses told them and the next generation,

Then we set out from Horeb and went through all that great and terrifying wilderness that you saw, on the way to the hill country of the Amorites, as the LORD our God commanded us. And we came to Kadesh-barnea. And I said to you, “You have come to the hill country of the Amorites, which the LORD our God is giving us. See, the LORD your God has set the land before you. Go up, take possession, as the LORD, the God of your fathers, has told you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” (Deuteronomy 1:19-21)


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We are not expected to be selfish but to be selfless

At another time, after he had preached for a very long period of time, he asked if there was any food to feed the people with. The disciples, knowing full well the state of their purse and the location they were in, immediately responded that there was no way over 5,000 people could be fed. They found loaves of bread and fishes, but that could not satisfy such a large crowd. Jesus cared enough to know that the people needed food after they had stayed with him for so long. Jesus asked that the people sit down then he blessed and gave thanks for the food that was available. The food went around everyone present and there were twelve baskets left after everyone ate to their satisfaction.

God never designed any of us to live for only ourselves. We are not expected to be selfish but to be selfless. We are expected to live our lives in such a way that it benefits others around us. We are not only to be concerned about our own immediate needs or the things that we want to achieve. We are expected to also care about others around us.

God has blessed us to be a blessing unto the world and not just for ourselves and immediate family. When Jesus began to preach, he made us understand that we are the Light of the world and the Salt of the earth. Light and salt do not exist for themselves. They exist for the sake of the environment they are put in. Light quenches darkness, salt takes away bitterness. This proves that we are meant to add value to our environment. By caring for others, we can become channels to help solve problems in the lives of people.

Experience the Power of Prophecy as a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.

As a leader, you must be willing to listen and be present in the moment as people share their heart with you.

Whenever one is giving advice or counsel, it is important to put oneself in the shoe of the other party. This is what Jesus did. When God needed to execute the plan of salvation, Jesus stepped in. He did not stay back in heaven barking commands at human beings and expecting us to obey. Rather he came down from glory and dwelt with men. He ate like we did, slept like we did, and cried like we did. He was 100% human, yet he was 100% God. He became like us so that he could be in touch with our own realities.

This is why the scripture says, “For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin” (Heb. 4:15, KJV). This means that Jesus knows exactly how we feel whenever we call on him. This is because he also experienced the same challenges while he was on earth. We can be sure that God understands us now more than ever. As a matter of fact, Jesus still stands daily to make intercession for the saints. We can be sure that since he is our Advocate, our matters can be properly handled before the throne of God.

Jesus knew about our common challenges. He felt the things we felt too. When people were sorrowful, he cried. Before Lazarus died, Jesus was called and informed about the health of Lazarus. He delayed in his coming and only came into town days after the death of Lazarus. People were still weeping and consoling Mary and Martha when Jesus arrived.

When Jesus was taken to the tomb of Lazarus, he wept. It was afterward that he called Lazarus back to life. Jesus did not only come to show how powerful he was. He revealed his humanity and his affection. Jesus was empathetic. He understood the feelings of the people and responded accordingly.

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Empathy and listening skills are needed when dealing with people

Condemnation drives people faster and deeper into sin than any other thing. Jesus did not come to condemn the world; he came to save it. He came to save everyone from the bondage of sin and bring them into the glorious liberty that can only be experienced in God.

So, empathy and listening skills are needed when dealing with people. We are not expected to be quick to provide responses. We must listen attentively to what the person is saying and even what the person is failing to say. Scripture says, “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath” (Jas. 1:19, KJV).

Caring for others is very important in leadership. It has been said that, no one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care. True leaders are able to care for those who they lead. Until you have demonstrated care enough, people won’t be willing to follow you.

As a leader whenever you are approached, you must be willing to listen and be present in the moment as people share their heart with you. Many times, a leader may be distracted by the hundreds of things that he has to do. When someone shows up and wants to talk, it is necessary that you put away every distraction and focus on that person. Everyone is important, and it is the responsibility of leaders to ensure that problems are solved.


Experience the Power of Prophecy as a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.

Managing Moods in the Bible

A tongue that calms is like a tree of life. But a tongue that tells produces a broken spirit.

Proverbs 15:4 NIRV

Many people have said that life is about ups and downs. In other words, there will be good times and bad times, the good days and bad days. The most important thing is how you handle all the seasons of life. This is one of the reasons why in the book of Ecclesiastes, The Preacher talks about times and seasons; he talks about a time to be born and a time to die. He talked about the fact that everything happens in its own time and in its own season. Every day, we experience different kinds of moods.  This could be as a result of the environment we are in, the kinds of things we listen to, the kinds of people we are currently interacting with.

Every day, we experience different kinds of moods.  This could be as a result of the environment we are in, the kinds of things we listen to, the kinds of people we are currently interacting with.

We can feel joy and happiness in one moment and in the next few minutes we can begin to feel sad, anxious, and depressed. It all depends on the kind of information we received through all our five senses.

Moods are peculiar to men and women. But usually, women tend to have more mood swings than men do. Typically, most men would like to hide their feelings or their true emotions about what they are currently going through compared to the women. Women will most likely want to talk, share, and even shed a tear when they are trying to express themselves.

Moods are peculiar to men and women. But usually, women tend to have more mood swings than men do.

There are many things that could cause your moods to swing from time to time. For instance, if you’ve not had a good sleep for a number of days, there will be a tendency for you to get easily irritated. Some of the things that cause it are the use of hard drugs or hard substances. These drugs are able to alter moods drastically. For instance, someone could be quiet, but after taking these hard substances, the person could suddenly become loud, arrogant, boastful, and even destructive because of the influence of what they are taking. Examples of these are alcohol, cocaine, codeine, or any kind of mood-altering substance.

Whenever we have mood swings, there’s always a tendency for someone to lack motivation to do what is expected of them. So, until there is a switch from the negative motive to the positive, good people will not likely do what they are supposed to do in the first place.

Moods are a normal part of our everyday life. The swings will always come from time to time, but we have to develop the skill to manage and channel the energy towards productive things. Even those who we perceive to be great men and women also have their own low moments too. Scripture has a number of examples to show us. We can see the man, Peter (one of the disciples of Jesus) who moved from one mood to another. At the point when Jesus was to be arrested, he rose up zealously trying to fight those who came to arrest his master. In fact, at a point, he cut off the ear of one of them. Jesus rebuked him and healed the soldier whose ear was cut off.

Even those who we perceive to be great men and women also have their own low moments too.

Peter, who moments ago had stood up valiantly for his master, could not stand for him when people inquired about who he was. He denied knowing his master. His courage had turned to cowardice. Realizing what had happened, he ran away crying. He felt bad for betraying his master.

Another example in the scriptures is Elijah. Elijah was a man from Tishbe who came into Israel at a time when the nation was neck-deep in idolatry. The nation was led by Ahab and his idolatrous wife, Jezebel. They led the nation to sin against God and at the right time, God sent Elijah to come into the nation to declare the counsel of God. Elijah challenged Ahab and was bent on setting the record straight on who was to be worshipped by God’s people. He staged a contest on Mount Carmel together with over four hundred prophets of Baal.

The day came, and as requested, two bulls were given to both parties to slaughter. The Prophets of Baal set their bull in order on the altar and called on their god. They kept calling, dancing around the altar, cutting their bodies just to get the attention of their god. Elijah mocked them and asked that they called on their god with a louder voice, perhaps he had gone on a long journey. They obliged and even cried the more. From morning to evening, there was no response; there was not even smoke. After exhausting themselves, Elijah called all the people to himself. He cut his bull, laid it on the altar, and called upon the name of the Lord.

Elijah mocked them and asked that they called on their god with a louder voice, perhaps he had gone on a long journey.

Soon after he had made his cry to God, fire fell from heaven, and the entire sacrifice was consumed. The water, stone, sacrifice, and everything was consumed by fire. At that point, everyone knew there was a God in heaven.

But after such a victory, what do you think a man like Elijah should be doing? Such a man should just go back home, relax, and rest, and the whole nation should fear him. But something else happened. Jezebel, the wife of Ahab, got to hear of how Elijah had slain the prophets of Baal and she resolved to deal with him. Scripture records,

“And Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done, and withal how he had slain all the prophets with the sword. Then Jezebel sent a messenger unto Elijah, saying, So let the gods do to me, and more also, if I make not thy life as the life of one of them by to morrow about this time. And when he saw that, he arose, and went for his life, and came to Beersheba, which belongeth to Judah, and left his servant there.” (1 Kings 19:1-3, KJV)

Here was a man who just slew men and brought a great victory, but he ran for his dear life. He had moved from courage to fear. He moved from being confident in his God to being fearful of Jezebel.

A man like Elijah got scared because of what he heard. This made him very depressed to the extent that he began to ask God to terminate his life on earth. All of a sudden because of this incident, he felt that his life was not so useful after all. As a matter of fact, he asked how better his life was compared to that of those who had gone ahead of him.


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Since the presence of Yahweh departed from him, the character of his leadership became weak and self-directed.

Saul was proven to be not a man after God’s own heart. Consequently, his spiritual fall led the nation to socio-political weakness and shame before the presence of their enemies (1 Sa. 15-17). And since the presence of Yahweh departed from him, the character of his leadership became weak and self-directed.

  1. What is characterization?
  2. How can good character be built?
  3. Can we learn from each character in the scriptures?

Lord, help me not to judge others. Help me to focus on doing the right things. Let a positive and inspiring story be told through my life. May my life and those of others around me bring you glory. Let the light of the gospel change me from the inside out and make my life a worthy example so that others can learn of Christ, in Jesus’ name. Amen.



Experience the Power of Prophecy as a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.

How can make your prayer a request to the Lord?


The moral integrity of speech-act comes from the purity of the person’s character.

By “purity,” we mean the new heart that is given by the Holy Spirit to the believer by virtue of regeneration. 

The sound-speech of animals comes from their instincts, but human speech-acts come from an intelligent soul.

Solomon tells us that “death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits” (Prov. 18:21). There is power in the tongue – in the speech-act of man. As bearers of divine image, we have inherited the principle of divine speech in its power to create and destroy. The sound-speech of animals comes from their instincts, but human speech-acts come from an intelligent soul. When you say something, you are not merely pronouncing syllables and words; you are expressing the thoughts of your being – your character.  But much more, the power of the tongue can rule the world.  Thus, if we want the power of the tongue to rule with blessings, its speech-act must come from a righteous character.

A society that is built on and ruled by righteous characters is filled with trust. That kind of society prospers because the distribution of wealth and value of talents are not monopolized by selfish principles.

In all aspects of social conversation, trust is established when there is integrity. A society that is built on and ruled by righteous characters is filled with trust. That kind of society prospers because the distribution of wealth and value of talents are not monopolized by selfish principles. But when lies and deceit dictate social-political transactions, the spirit of true democracy is devoured by the oligarchical principle of survival of the fittest.  Hence, it is not an ideological exaggeration when Solomon said,

Treasures gained by wickedness do not profit, but righteousness delivers from death…No one is established by wickedness, but the root of the righteous will never be moved…Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.

(Proverbs 10:2; 12:3; 14:34)

The leaders of our country and of the world, from the top to the bottom, certainly give all their socio-political wits to preserve and flourish the peace, order, and prosperity that they desire for their nation. They will try all the necessary means at this disposal to ensure the success of their goals. But at the end of the day, when all is said and done about socio-political peace and prosperity, one thing remains at the bottom of these things – “righteousness exalts a nation.”

Righteous character is the life and blessings of the nation. Without righteousness, society disintegrates and terrorizes other countries.

In other words, a righteous character is the life and blessings of the nation. Without righteousness, society disintegrates and terrorizes other countries. Thus, following this principle, if those who are in power will give a major concentration on the spiritual-moral development of the people, it is expected that economic and socio-political success will follow. Of course, such principle is not a form of religious propaganda to achieve socio-political powers. It is a God-given principle for human government. Moral character must reign on the throne, not personal agendas.

This principle reminds us of the election of David as the God-anointed king of Israel. Saul was still the king of Israel when God commanded the prophet, Samuel, to go to the house of Jesse to anoint the young David. Saul did not perform well as a righteous king of Israel. He let personal agendas to dictate his moral decision and leadership. Instead of listening to God and waiting for His providential move, he succumbed to his impatience and belittled the spiritual leadership of Samuel (1 Sa. 13-15).

Certainly, as the story shows, a man like Saul didn’t have the spiritual strength of character to lead the people of God in the way of righteousness. Truly he had a taste of mystical prophetical experience when he was still surrounded by humble people and was living in a simple environment (1 Sa. 9). At first, Saul’s speech-act was religiously inclined. But sadly, when the taste of royal power started to corrupt his soul, the true character of his heart was revealed.



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Through his teachings and his life example

Through his teachings and his life example, he was able to transform the lives of these mere men into phenomenal world changers.

These so-called fishermen and tax collectors turned upside down the whole world for Christ. The foundation of the church was built on the lives of these men. Jesus poured out his heart to these men. He taught them, laid hands on them, and exposed to deep and secret things. Some of these disciples saw him ascend into glory. They saw him weep in the garden, and even John was with him when he died on the cross. All these experiences were life lessons for the Apostles.

As the apostles lived on for Christ, they were not afraid or ashamed to preach the gospel. As a matter of fact, they were not even fearful to lay down their lives for the sake of the gospel.  The mentorship and influence of Jesus really worked in shaping the lives and character of these simple men.

There are certain scriptures that we can examine that can help us to understand the importance of building character. Paul writing to Timothy said these words, “Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in a word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity” (1 Tim. 4:12, KJV). This means there is a way we can build character from the ground up. There is no way someone with a good character can be ignored. Some people may not like that you stand for the truth or for righteousness, but you will always be elevated above them. Those who have good character often attract the favor of others.

The mentorship and influence of Jesus really worked in shaping the lives and character of these simple men.

We are meant to be an example to others. We are meant to be ambassadors of Christ, carrying his very life and example wherever we find ourselves. We are expected to walk in the Spirit always and not make provisions for the works of the flesh. When we walk in love and purity towards one another, we are living the Christ-like life. The easiest way to build character is by following the example that Jesus has set for us. Following this simple scripture that Paul wrote to Timothy, we can see the ingredients and the things that make someone’s character to be good.

The way we speak and treat others reveal the kind of character we have. When we take a look at the beatitudes that Jesus preached in Matthew chapter five, we can see that he was mostly pointing towards our character. Jesus spoke extensively on how we should treat those who may be hurting us. He spoke about how to handle lust, adultery, fornication, anger, etc. When we follow these teachings, they will help us to build a good character.

Paul in Galatians spoke about the fruits of the Spirit. Scripture records,

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law”

(Gal. 5:22-23, KJV). These are things that make for good character. We will begin to behave and act like God when we begin to manifest these very characteristics.

We can see all these features demonstrated in the life of Jesus. As a matter of fact, the entire scripture talks about Jesus. When Jesus came, through his character, he was able to tell us more about the Father than any other person in history. Jesus was the full representation of who the Father is. Through his example, he helped us see that God is very interested in every single human being and does not want any of us to perish. God wants everyone saved.

God can evolve a great story out of our lives. God can only transform any life that surrenders to him.

If we look at a very vivid and apt definition or description of who God is, then we must say that God is LOVE. God does not just have love for mankind. He is love personified. He cannot but love us. His love is unconditional and cannot be changed by anyone. Irrespective of our shortcomings, God goes ahead to receive us back any time we go against his instructions.

God can evolve a great story out of our lives. God can only transform any life that surrenders to him. The great characters in the scripture were used by God to tell a story of His transformative power and ability in our lives.

In our own generation, a minister of the gospel took it upon himself to write books in different volumes that documented the exploits and moves of God in the lives of the fathers of faith.

Just like it was mentioned earlier, we must constantly learn from the heroes that have gone ahead of us. In our own generation, a minister of the gospel took it upon himself to write books in different volumes that documented the exploits and moves of God in the lives of the fathers of faith. He called it God’s Generals. This book and others like it are to serve as reminders to us, as well as a guide for us as we try to live our Christian lives in this time and age.


Experience the Power of Prophecy as a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.


God’s ways and thoughts are far different and higher than that of men.

We can take another example of characterization from the man called Paul. Paul, who was previously named Saul, was a persecutor of the church but was saved and rescued by Jesus himself. In no time, he was preaching the very same gospel he so criticized and even jailed the people of God for. He went ahead to become one of the greatest apostles despite not being among the original twelve chosen by Jesus himself. God’s ways and thoughts are far different and higher than that of men. The perspective of God differs from the perspective of man. When men were seeing a murderer and persecuting Saul, God was seeing a Paul that will take the gospel to the gentiles –reuniting and reconciling them to God. The book of Isaiah rightly says,

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 58:8-9)

So, just like a butterfly, people are always constantly evolving from who they are to who they could really be. This is why we must not give up on people that God sends our way. The characters of people could change from the very worst thinkable to the very best imaginable.

One thing that helps people build character is mentoring. Having someone to look up to in different areas of our lives, helps us to develop the right morals and values. Having these values makes us stand out from others. Role models shape and groom people to be better. One reason why a lot of people misbehave is that they do not have people who can caution them when they are going astray. They do not have those that can correct them. Never in life should anyone be without a teacher. God puts parents, spiritual leaders, and quality friends in our lives so that we can be accountable and held responsible for the things that we do. Having a positive influence in life helps one to achieve great things.

God puts parents, spiritual leaders, and quality friends in our lives so that we can be accountable and held responsible for the things that we do.

Mentors are like ladders that people can climb in order to see farther. It was Isaac Newton who said that if he could see farther, it was because he stood on the shoulders of giants. Those who mentor you will help you see a bigger and better picture. They will give you leverage and a platform to explore and reach your potential. The young Pastor, Timothy, was able to leverage on the teaching and mentorship of Paul the Apostle and this made a difference for him. Paul wrote two letters to Timothy. These were wholesome words and counsel to guide him in his leadership journey. Paul did not only teach him, but also laid his hands on him and imparted gifts into him. This is the work of a mentor in the life of a mentee. These are the things that shape the character of an individual.

Men like Joshua also could learn from Moses. Scripture helps us to see that he constantly followed Moses all through his lifetime. His closeness, faithfulness, and dedication to God under the leadership of Moses were remarkable. When God needed a leader to take over from Moses, He did not hesitate to choose Joshua.

When Jesus also came on the scene in the New Testament, he prayed all night and decided to choose for himself twelve men that will carry on the great work of the ministry after he would have completed his own assignment on earth. Jesus chose fishermen, tax collectors, etc. to be part of his team. To us, it will appear rather strange that Jesus could choose such men to be with him. He did not choose the religious men of his day; he did not choose those who considered themselves better than others. He chose those who others may not regard at all. Through his teachings and his life example, he was able to transform the lives of these mere men into phenomenal world changers.


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Self-examination and self-evaluation begin with honestly asking yourself top questions. Many times, people are quick to confront others with all kinds of inquiries but are reluctant to ask themselves the same questions or to hold themselves to the same standards. If you are going to succeed with self-evaluation, you must be ready to ask yourself tough questions and also be ready to provide honest answers to the questions you ask.

So, what kind of questions will people be asking themselves when they intend to self-evaluate themselves?

Self-examination and self-evaluation begin with honestly asking yourself top questions.

You could ask, how can I do my job better? What is really expected of me in this position? Am I being fair to those people around me? Have my words been defining and uplifting as my others? How is my character? How is it affecting my work results?

Character, in a way, affects disposition in my workplace. You can also ask, what do I need to do to be better or to be more efficient at the place of my work and calling?

All these are good questions which can help in self-evaluation. The truth remains that when you can work on yourself effectively, you will be a better leader.

Another way for self-evaluation to be effective is by asking for feedback from those who are closest to you. The feedback can be from your friends, your co-workers, family members, and those who have interactions with you frequently. Many times, we don’t see our own faults no matter how hard we try to be objective.

It is easier to get objective and non-sentimental responses from people other than ourselves. In getting realistic feedback, ensure that the persons giving the feedback are honest in their reply rather than being conservative in their response.

The scripture records that Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do men say that I am?” He didn’t ask this question of the crowd or the Pharisees or observes. He only asked this question of people who were closest to him. In many ways, he was rest assured that his disciples already knew who he was and what he was sent to do.

There is this tendency for us as men to think the worst of people. We often assume that the state we meet someone in will be the person’s final state. But if there is one thing we can learn from scripture, it is that as long as there is life, there will be hope. When there is hope, the possibility of things changing for good will be very high.

Can you imagine what the men and women who met David while running away from Saul must have been thinking? They must have thought David would never escape the hands of Saul, and he may never have become the King of Israel. But David held on strong. Nothing compared to the promise that David had in God. He trusted that God was able to vindicate him and give him the throne at the right time.

To everything there is a season for it, and a time to purposes as long we are on earth.

In dealing with people, we must understand that place of time and seasons. To everything there is a season for it, and a time to purposes as long we are on earth. For the fact that a child is behaving unruly today does not mean he cannot become a phenomenal leader tomorrow. It takes time for change to truly occur. This is why we must not be quick to give up on people or to write people off.

God already has shown to us that He does not give up on people very easily. As long as we are alive, His love and grace keep chasing us. Despite the fact that the world was dead in sin and disconnected from God, God still sent His Own Son in the likeness of human flesh to die for the sins of the entire world. This very invaluable price that was paid for the sins of humanity restored and redeemed us. Today, we have a lot of people who are doing amazing things for God. They have literally evolved from who they were to who they are today.


Experience the Power of Prophecy as a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.



Conversations of Action in the Bible

Conversations are a part of our lives as humans. It’s almost impossible to live through a day without uttering a word. According to an article by Language Log in 2013, women speak about 20,000 words every day, while the male folks speak about 7,000 words daily. Much of the words we speak are often in conversation with those around us –co-workers, friends, family member, etc. Through conversations, we are able to start and conclude business transactions, strengthen our relational bond with people, solve problems, and of course, say a prayer to God.

Conversations and actions need not be separate things.

A lot of people believe the saying that, “Talk is cheap.” And by so doing, they exalt the place of taking action – doing things. While this is valid, conversations can also be the tool that pushes people to take a desired action. Conversations and actions need not be separate things. There is a reason why a salesman will speak to a prospective customer for five minutes and afterwards, the customer will be willing to part with their money to get whatever product or service is being sold. It is all about persuasion.

Conversations can lead to a desired action if used properly. From the very beginning in the Bible, we see that God made the heaven and earth and everything it contains. When he was to make man, He had a conversation with Himself. From the book of 1 John, the scripture makes us know that there are three people who bear witness in heaven, namely; the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. God, having a conversation with Himself, moved into action to create man. Man became a living soul. Man was built with the capacity for fellowshipping with God. Throughout the scriptures, we see how this fellowship went on. Moses spoke to God face-to-face, men like Isaiah saw the glory of God. Daniel spoke with heavenly beings. All these were conversations. The books of the Bible are products of actions taken by these great men of old as they received instructions and conversed with God.

Conversations can lead to a desired action if used properly. From the very beginning in the Bible, we see that God made the heaven and earth and everything it contains.

Conversations can come in the form of requests, promises, offers, declaration of completion, declaration of satisfaction. In the scriptures, there are several examples that prove conversations for actions to be true. When Adam was created and stationed in the Garden of Eden, the instructions given expressly from God were, “And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat. but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die” (Gen. 2:16, KJV). God was giving out an instruction to Adam here on what was expected of him in the Garden. God’s word moves things into existence. God’s word has creative power. Even if something was not previously in existence, once God says it, the very word goes out to create what it says. This was why the Prophet Isaiah wrote that, “So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it” (Isa. 55:11, KJV). This is exactly how God’s word works.

Conversations can come in the form of requests, promises, offers, declaration of completion, declaration of satisfaction. In the scriptures, there are several examples that prove conversations for actions to be true.


When we take a look at the book of Hebrews, there are several stories of great men and women that clearly illustrate how they took actions. These men had conversations with God and they took action as a result. The book of Hebrews opens up with how God created the worlds through the instrument of faith. Abel was referenced. Perhaps through the teaching of Abel’s parents, he came to understand the significance of the rams and the shedding of its blood. God had respect to the offering of Abel. The offering of the sacrifice was a symbol of the promise of God to man. After Adam and Eve fell in the Bible, God expressly said, “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between they seed and her seed: it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel” (Gen. 3:15, KJV). The promise of God here was Jesus.

Abraham is referred to as the Father of Faith. His life story reflects a conversation for action. While residing in his father’s house, the Word of the Lord came to him saying,

“Now the Lord had said to Abram: Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (Genesis 12:1-3)

He [Abraham] died despite the fact that he never physically stepped into the Promised Land. He trusted God enough to bring His promise to pass.


Immediately after the instruction was given, it was recorded that Abraham (or Abram as he was first called) left his own people with his wife and Lot. They traveled as God led them sojourning in tents. Abraham desired to have a better place and a better country than the ones he saw. He died despite the fact that he never physically stepped into the Promised Land. He trusted God enough to bring His promise to pass.

Looking at the life of Abraham, what really were the promises God gave to him? They can be summed up in three (3) distinct headings; namely:

  1. I will make you a great nation;
  2. Depart… to a land that I will show you;
  3. In your seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.

We know that God doesn’t make empty promises. He has the capacity to bring anything to pass. He speaks according to the level of his strength and capacity. When God said this to Abraham, it was only left for him to believe what was said. God is not a man that He should lie or change His words when faced with difficulty. He declares the end right from the very beginning. One scripture in the bible helps us know that God honors his word more than his name.

We know that God doesn’t make empty promises. He has the capacity to bring anything to pass.

The intention of God for Abraham was to make him a great nation. To accomplish this, God changed his name from Abram to Abraham. He was called the Father of Many Nations when he hadn’t even had the promised child. When God speaks, He does so according to the level of His own might and power, and not according to our estimation of the severity of our predicament.

When God was talking to Abraham about making him a great nation, He was referring to the nation Israel. To date, the Jews occupy key leadership positions all over the world. When you look at the men and women who are currently dominating in various spheres of human endeavor, you will find Jews being prominent. God indeed has made his promise good concerning Abraham. The nation Israel occupies a land surrounded by hostile nations who are out to delete the country from the map in the Middle East. But over the years, Israel has remained strong and fought its way into global relevance.

One thing we can see about God throughout the scripture is that He does as He pleases, and His power is unlimited.


One thing we can see about God throughout the scripture is that He does as He pleases, and His power is unlimited. When men, for instance, want to make a promise, they first check if they have the wherewithal to make good their word. Of course, man is not unlimited or omnipotent, only God is. So, when God makes a promise like the one He made to Abraham, it is a proof of His own divine ability and power to accomplish anything. This is why the scripture says,

“According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.” (2 Peter 1:3-4, KJV)

This proves that God’s ability can accomplish anything for us. When God reassured Abraham that he would father a child through his own wife, Sarah, God wasn’t looking at the condition they were in. Even Abraham also had to start thinking like God. The Bible makes us understand that he also decided to take his eyes off his physical condition and his age. He also decided not to focus on the deadness of the womb of Sarah –apparently, it was practically impossible for her to conceive due to her age. Rather than focusing on the impossibilities, he chose to focus on God and kept on rejoicing all through while he waited for the promise.

Our righteousness is not in our works or self-motivated efforts; our righteousness is in Christ Jesus.

This is the kind of attitude, perspective, and disposition the believer today must also have. We cannot afford to get lost in what our eyes see, or what our ears hear, or the way and manner others behave. We must only be moved by what we believe. Abraham chose not to be moved by what he saw, but by what he believed. This very disposition of Abraham earned him the caption of being a righteous man. Righteousness comes from accepting and believing what God has said and made available to us. Our righteousness is not in our works or self-motivated efforts; our righteousness is in Christ Jesus.

The arm of flesh will certainly fail, but the sword of the spirit (the Word of God) endures forever.

The next phase of Abraham’s life was where God told him to leave his father’s house. This tells us something. For us to reach forth the great and mighty things God has ordained for us in the future, we have to leave the things, places, and people we have been used to. We cannot get to the other side if we are unwilling to leave the shores of the comfortable present. Abram (as he then was called) must have been comfortable where he was. He had a family, a considerable number of servants and resources at his disposal. Yet, he chose to believe a God that he had not seen or heard of before. This faith was counted to him for righteousness.

One thing we must come to understand about the journey of faith is that there are always battles and giants to confront.

There is one thing about God, He has a way of making a promise that only He can fulfill. In the case of Abraham, He promised that He would give them a land that He will show him. At this point, Abraham never had an idea of what awaited him in his future. Amazingly, Abraham being a man of faith followed through everything God told him.

One thing we must come to understand about the journey of faith is that there are always battles and giants to confront. At one time, Abraham mobilized his army of over 300 men to confront an enemy who seized his nephew, Lot. Rest assured that when God speaks, He makes all the provision in his capacity to bring whatever He says to pass.


Experience the Power of Prophecy as a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.



The moment you confessed that Jesus is your Savior and Lord, God has placed you in a covenant-relationship with His Son. You became part of the spiritual body of believers which is called the Church the body of Christ. Thus, having submitted to the Lordship of Jesus, you are no longer the master of your life. As a Christian, you live your life for Jesus not because you are forced to do it, but because your love for Christ motivates you to do so. St. Paul said, “The life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Gal. 2:20).

The love of Christ then is the foundation and motivation of Christian commitment. Hence, in everything that we say and do (speech-act), we want to glorify the Savior who died for us.


The love of Christ then is the foundation and motivation of Christian commitment. Hence, in everything that we say and do (speech-act), we want to glorify the Savior who died for us. We want the world to see that our commitment to Jesus is the driving inspiration of our lives. In fact, this is the kind of attitude that the Church needs in her evangelistic testimony to the world. If the speech-act of the Church is saturated by the Person, words, and work of her Lord and Savior, the world will see, hear, and feel through us the reality of the risen Christ. Perhaps, this is the reason why St. Paul calls the Church as the body of Christ. For although Christ is not yet physically present on earth, through the Church he can be heard and felt in the world. However, we know by experience that not all people who professed Jesus as their Lord and Savior truly committed their lives to him. Even at the time of Jesus’ earthly ministry, there were those who followed him for the sake of curiosity and material benefits instead of commitment (Jn. 6:26). Hence, the question arises among them, saying, what does it mean to follow Jesus?

The principles of our speech-act either in the context of evangelism and discipleship should reflect the descriptions of Jesus’ teaching here.


The staggering characteristics of true commitment to Jesus are described for us in Luke 14:26-27. Jesus said,

“If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.”

That’s the fundamental characteristic of true commitment. The principles of our speech-act either in the context of evangelism and discipleship should reflect the descriptions of Jesus’ teaching here. But essentially, the energy of Christian commitment here roots from love. It is love for Christ that drives us to persevere and to sacrifice all things in order to experience and achieve the beauty, joy, and power of knowing our Lord and Savior. This is exactly what St. Paul meant when he exemplified the speech-act of Christian commitment in Phil. 3:7-8,

But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.

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