The measure of sacrifice involved.

The measure of sacrifice involved – For anything meaningful to be achieved, there has to be some measure of sacrifice involved.

Let’s look at the story of Joseph in the bible. Joseph had lived rather peacefully with his brothers and other family members for several years. But the day he rose up to begin to discuss his dreams, a lot of opposition arose from people who shared the same family name and even table with him. Opposition arose from his very own brothers. Scripture tells us that they hated him the more because of his dreams. Nothing good comes easy. For anything meaningful to be achieved, there has to be some measure of sacrifice involved. For Joseph, God had to relocate him into an environment where he would be able to nurture his dreams and run with the vision that God had revealed to him.

Sometimes the way we talk to ourselves and the words we use go a long way in affecting our disposition to certain things in life. A lot of people are forever wanting and wishing to achieve something, but they have never really gotten around to doing anything about it. They are talking about that dream, they are hoping to do it in the near future. But the reality is that they never get to do anything, because they never decide to take action.

They never make it a matter of “must” to do what is expected of them. Until a task becomes a “must” for you, you may never do anything about it all your life. Those who make a difference in their generation are men and women who chose to give themselves totally to God’s purposes and dreams for their lives.

The words and language we use can influence our perception of reality. Words are powerful.

The words and language we use can influence our perception of reality. Words are powerful. When the children of Israel were going to the Promised Land, Moses got to a point where he had to send in spies to go check out the Promised Land. When the men got there, they all came back with two different reports. Many of them returned to say that there were giants in the land and that they stood no chance of conquering the men that currently possessed the land.

This was the same land that God had told them was to be theirs. However, Joshua and Caleb believed differently. They had faith and confidence in God that they could actually take over the land. Scripture records,

“And they went and came to Moses, and to Aaron, and to all the congregation of the children of Israel, unto the wilderness of Paran, to Kadesh; and brought back word unto them, and unto all the congregation, and shewed them the fruit of the land. And they told him, and said, We came unto the land whither thou sentest us, and surely it floweth with milk and honey; and this is the fruit of it. Nevertheless the people be strong that dwell in the land, and the cities are walled, and very great: and moreover we saw the children of Anak there.”
(Numbers 13: 26-28, KJV)

They did not believe that they could ever possess the land. Sadly, the report of the majority prevailed and the people believed the evil report more than the report that Joshua and Caleb brought concerning the Promised Land. What we hear can influence our behavior. This is why it is very important to watch the things that we receive or listen to. We must ensure that the words we listen to are words of faith and that they are from God. When we listen to the wrong things, we begin to react and respond negatively.

Despite the negative feedback, Joshua and Caleb still stood their ground. They saw through the eyes of faith. They saw the ability of God and not their own helplessness. God helped them to be able to see that His promise that they will inherit the Promised Land will become a reality despite the greatness of the opposition that lay before them.


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The Power to Create Breakthroughs

The right word may be effective, but no word was ever effective as a rightly timed pause.

-Mark Twain


Scripture says,

“Suppose someone wants to love life and see good days. Then they must keep their tongues from speaking evil. They must keep their lips from telling lies.
1 Peter 3:10 NIRV

Breakthroughs are possible in every area of life imaginable. Breakthroughs are possible in complex things like engineering or medicine and even trivial things like hammering a nail into a table. Breakthroughs are needed in every area of our lives. Sadly, there are many people are still stuck at the same level that they were years ago. They have not been able to get themselves out of their bondage into liberty or to enjoy a better life than they have been living before now.

Breakthroughs are needed in every area of our lives.

Breakthroughs require effort, hard work, and consistency. Without this, breakthroughs may just be an illusion. From the political aspirant, the astronaut, the scientist, and the inventor, every one of these categories of people are able to achieve such unimaginable feats because they stuck to the process until they got the breakthrough they always dreamed about. It was said that Thomas Edison failed over a thousand times in trying to invent the light bulb.

He kept on trying and failing until he eventually got the one that really worked. All the trials that failed only taught him the many ways that the light bulb could not be created. In a way, the knowledge was still very useful to him despite the failure and frustration he must have suffered in the first place.

Many people abandon things quickly because they could not hold on to see the results.

Albert Einstein, the famous scientist and also considered a genius, once said that there was nothing really special about him. He believed he was just a person who loved to be curious and stay long on a problem until he cracked open a viable solution. Many people abandon things quickly because they could not hold on to see the results. They expect results to come like magic. It is important that people learn how to walk in faith and to embrace the process that is needed to accomplish a remarkable feat. Remarkable feats require time, effort, and a great deal of patience.

Breakthroughs are only possible if there has already been some prior effort involved. For instance, when boiling water, the water starts from zero degrees and then boils to the required temperature. Immediately, it boils, and it starts giving signals. This means that it has reached its limit. When you look at this critically, this is also what a breakthrough means. It means focusing on something for a long time, giving the required effort so that you accomplish that which your heart purposes.

People who accomplish great things in life do not doubt themselves. Rather, they believe in their own ability to create change and to make profound things happen in their lives and in their environment too. God doesn’t want us to live mediocre lives. He has loaded us with treasures, gifts, and potentials to ensure that we live up to the dream that God has written before we were ever formed in our mother’s belly. Those who are conscious of their gifts and abilities are able to step out do more and achieve more than others who do not.

People who accomplish great things in life do not doubt themselves. Rather, they believe in their own ability to create change and to make profound things happen in their lives and in their environment too.

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God doesn’t call the qualified; He qualifies the called

Satan knows that he cannot obstruct the gracious impact of the Cross on the believer.

In 1 Timothy 1:13-16, you’ll read how Paul acknowledged his sinfulness and the horrible sins that he committed in the past. He described his former self as “a blasphemer, persecutor, insolent opponent and foremost sinner.” Surely, Satan untiringly accused him day and night with a vision and emotion of awful sins that he committed in the past. The Devil wanted to crush Paul’s spirit in order to stop him in Gospel-ministry. But Paul did not stop and focus on the dreadfulness of his sins; rather, he focused on the beautiful and powerful grace of his Savior by whom he received the qualification and commission to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles. Someone said it this way, “God doesn’t call the qualified; He qualifies the called.”

Thus, the joy of salvation is not founded on what we do for Christ to gain and maintain God’s favor, but on what God has done for us through the Cross of our Savior.

  1. What are pitfalls?
  2. How can leaders ensure that they avoid certain pitfalls as they lead their organizations?
  3. How can one handle the past the right way?

Lord, I thank you for who you are. I thank you for your wisdom. I thank you because you have forgiven me of all my sins and washed away all of them. I thank you for blotting out all the records of sin against me. I pray that you take all my regrets and pains and turn them into an instrument for your purpose. In Jesus’ name. Amen


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ACT OF ACCUSATION is Satan’s favorite speech-act in character assassination. In fact, he is called “the accuser of the brethren” in Rev. 12:10. For whatever evidences or reasons he has at his disposal, he has the tenacity to accuse Christians before God in heaven, day and night. As an intelligent being, he certainly knows the justifying impact of the Cross on the believer.

Jesus is the Advocate of every Christian whom he cannot defeat at the court of heaven. For this reason, it might be that the issue of his ACT OF ACCUSATION to Christians does not point to the impact of the Cross, but to the condition of its receiver. In other words, when Satan accuses Christians before God, he focuses the accusation on their character.

Of course, Satan knows our weakness, the sins that we have committed in the past, and the sins that we cherish in the present. By these points, he accuses us before God by questioning the sincerity of our faith. As if Satan is telling you and me, “Are you truly a believer of Jesus? You say that you received Him as your Lord and Savior. But here, you have these sins. You say you love Jesus, but in reality, you still love this sin. Oh, you’re not a true Christian. If you’re a true Christian, you’ll be like Jesus, holy and perfect. But you are not perfect; therefore, you are not a true Christian.”

Jesus is the Advocate of every Christian whom he cannot defeat at the court of heaven.

In Satan’s accusation and character-assassination, he loves to confound positional justification and experiential sanctification. He corrupts the doctrine of the grace of God by adding human works. He misrepresents the truth of the Cross by showing that forgiveness automatically means earthly perfection. Such thoughts are the seeds of deception that he daily sows in our heart and mind.

Satan knows that he cannot obstruct the gracious impact of the Cross on the believer. However, he believes that he can hinder the believer in enjoying and maximizing the blessings of the Cross in his life – the joy of salvation. Some of the believers in Corinth fell into this trap. When through Paul’s rebuke their sins were exposed, some of them took the rebuke too personally and focused on their sins. They forgot the work of the Cross. Thus, St. Paul reminded them that such kind of sorrow was not godly but worldly. He said,

ACT OF ACCUSATION! Now I rejoice, not that you were made sorry, but that your sorrow led to repentance. For you were made sorry in a godly manner, that you might suffer loss from us in nothing. For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death. (2 Corinthians 7:9-10)

This is the kind of sorrow that Satan brings to the believer in the process of his accusation. This Satanic technique is very subtle because you may think you are humbly and sincerely sorry for your sins. But what you don’t know is that, Satan separates you far away from the truth of the Cross. He wants to grab the joy of your salvation by subtly and slowly tearing you down with guilt and regret. St. Paul also experienced this satanic accusation when he testified to Timothy the sinful horrors of his past as a zealous persecutor of the Church.


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God wants you to be His counsel to our world.

It is important to embrace your past. You cannot change it. You cannot rewrite it. You cannot go back in time to correct the wrongs that you did. But you can look towards your future with grace and walk in newness of life. When you learn to embrace your past, you open yourself to receiving grace to help others who may be in the same situations you were back then. God knows how to bring out the best in people and in situations that may appear negative or hopeless. When you give your past to God, He can change you and make you into one of His agents to bring a unique message to the world.

God wants you to be His counsel to our world for communicating His counsel to our world. There are people who were previously porn actors who later became pastors. They have become vessels in the hand of God to bring liberation to the many men and women who are in the same trap. When God delivers us from something, He usually deposits the grace in us to liberate others who may still be in the same bondage you were delivered from.

One thing we must always realize is that we are nothing without God. We cannot live our lives based on our own knowledge and ability alone. Those who trust God enjoy His strength and supernatural guidance in all that they do. Receiving the grace of God helps you to be able to achieve more in life. It makes you a channel of blessing to others that may come your way.

When you are grateful, your focus is on God and not on whoever may have hurt you.

Gratitude is also needed in order to be able to handle your past the right way. When you are grateful, you cease to be bitter or angry over whatever may have happened to you. When you are grateful, your focus is on God and not on whoever may have hurt you. When you choose to be grateful, your life will be filled with joy and hope rather than sadness and regret. Sometimes, we go through certain things because God wants you to be His counsel to our world and bring out best in you.

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God is ever willing to receive even the vilest offender that comes to Him

God is ever willing to receive even the vilest offender that comes to Him. Whoever comes to Him He will in no wise refuse or turn back.

When we look at the three examples shared very closely, we will see a trend and a life of occurrences that is very similar to what is happening today. For instance, just like in the days of Noah, there are many men and women out there who are laughing at the church. There are several who even believe that there is no God. There are also those who believe there are several other ways to reach God and to make it to heaven other than through Jesus.

Jesus already expressly said that he is the way, the truth, and the life. Really, no one can ever even come close to God except by him. Just as men may have been mocking Noah for building the ark according to God’s instructions, even so people are mocking the church today. People are mocking the gospel that we preach. The enemy is also not at rest as he tries to manipulate the minds of people to lead them to believe that there is no God or that the God that we call upon is not God.

The enemy leads people to engage in pleasure and all kinds of abomination to satisfy their own fleshy desires.

The enemy leads people to engage in pleasure and all kinds of abomination to satisfy their own fleshy desires. But God desires to see many people saved. God wants us to come to him as we are. God is ever willing to receive even the vilest offender that comes to Him. Whoever comes to Him He will in no wise refuse or turn back. God is able to save to the uttermost.

Just as the ark closed and there was no way for men to come in again, even so will God close the door to salvation through faith when the rapture happens. Men and women will have to pay for their own salvation through their own death and blood. The price for salvation and for heaven has been fully paid by Jesus on the cross. However, it is only available for those who receive him as Lord and Savior. This is why the scripture says, “But as many as received him, to them he gave power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name” (Jn. 1:12, KJV). Those who receive Jesus have their names written in the book of life.

Everything that happened in the Old Testament is only a shadow of the New Testament. Whenever we allow the Holy Spirit to open up the scriptures to us, he shows us deep and secret things, which we have not seen or heard before then. Revelation is the key to understanding the scriptures. God’s word doesn’t just have one interpretation. The word of God (including all the stories written in scripture) contains eternal truths for us to live our lives by.


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God always has a way of bringing His will to pass in our lives

The glory of God keeps radiating over our lives as long as we stay put in Him and keep our faith in His word very strong in our hearts and lives.

Noah received directives and instructions from God and he went ahead to act on it.

Another person we can learn from is Noah. Noah was a man that lived before the flood that wiped out the whole of the human race. He was married and had a family of three children. Scripture tells us that Noah found grace in the sight of God and God chose to carry out His plan through him. Noah received directives and instructions from God and he went ahead to act on it. He began to build an ark for the saving of people and animals. He built something that no one had ever seen before then. He was simply responding to the prompts of God.

Noah answered the call of God upon his life and for many years, he kept building until the ark was complete. After this, he led the animals after their kind into the ark and also his family. The people on earth in those days made a mockery of him and did not join in the ark. Therefore, when the rains came down heavily and floods took over the earth, every living creature felt the massive effect of this. There was loss of life. The only ones that were alive where those in the ark. God Himself preserved them and at the right time, the ark landed on the mount.

God always has a way of bringing His will to pass in our lives. Even when men arise and try to stop His plan, God knows how to have His way every time. He is a man of war and can solve any problem that is tabled before him.

God desired to start a new race, a new generation of men and women that will please Him and do as He instructs them to.

In the time of Noah, God was concerned that mankind was tending towards evil all the way. He was concerned that His dear creatures which He created were beginning to allow sin and the devil to lead them into their own destruction. God was and still is always out to save us. Scriptures tells that God regretted creating man. In a way, they became very rebellious against God and God had to do something about this challenge early on. This was how Noah came to the scene. God’s instructions were very clear and could not be put aside. In the book of Hebrews, we are told this about Noah,

 “By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.” (Hebrews 11:7, KJV)

This reveals that Noah feared God and decided to respond to the promptings of God for the time and season that he was at that time of life.



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God has a way of redeeming the time

Great things can only be accomplished when more people bring their own contribution to the success of what is to be done.

In the book of Ruth, we have another wonderful story we can learn from. Naomi and her husband left Jerusalem for Moab. They figured out that the land of Moab was better than theirs. Jerusalem was going through a tough crisis at this time. The whole family moved into Moab just to escape the hard times Jerusalem was facing. All the while in Moab, the two sons of Naomi got married to women from the land. Later on, the two boys died alongside her husband too. She was left with her two daughters-in-law. She decided to return to her land because she heard how God had begun to do new things for them.

As she made attempt to return, the two women opted to follow her back. She declined their request and at that, one of them went back. Ruth, however, chose to remain put and to follow her to her destination. She chose to stand by her through it all. She decided to stay by Naomi even if it meant that she won’t get married again. It was impossible for Naomi to ever give birth to another child or to even have a child that would be able to be a husband to Ruth.

In all, God had a good plan for them both. The times may have been hard for Naomi, but God has a way of redeeming the time. God can bring out beauty from ashes. God can bring out light from darkness. God can change the story of anyone He chooses. In no time, Ruth got engaged and married to Boaz and they gave birth to a child. In the end, we can see her name in the genealogy of those before Jesus Christ on earth.

God brought out something sweet out of a seeming bitter family experience. When we choose to endure hardness and hardship that life may throw at us, God shows up for us in the end. Those who trust in the Lord cannot ever experience shame. The glory of God keeps radiating over our lives as long as we stay put in Him and keep our faith in His word very strong in our hearts and lives.


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God will always be with us

One assurance we have as believers is that God will always be with us when we go through the tough times of life.


One assurance we have as believers is that God will always be with us when we go through the tough times of life. Men may back-off even best friends may leave when we need them the most. But God will never leave us comfortless. It is very important to have a support system whenever we go through tough times. It is very necessary to have people who can offer advice, counsel, support, and even help to us when we need help. This is why the bible tells us this:

“Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.

For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.

Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone?

And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, KJV)

We are not supposed to try to go through life alone. The weights and burdens that we may have to carry may be more than we can carry on our own. All through the scriptures, we see how the different people built teams, had people they were close to and did things together. Great things can only be accomplished when more people bring their own contribution to the success of what is to be done. We stand a risk of breaking down and losing strength and our health when we try to do too many things all by ourselves. When we ask for help and we also trust God to see us through the challenges of life, we will come out stronger and wiser at the end.



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Humans Focus on Breakdowns

The problem with speeches isn’t so much not knowing when to stop, as knowing when not to begin.

-Francis Rodman

What goes into someone’s mouth does not make them ‘unclean.’ It’s what comes out of their mouth that makes them ‘unclean.’

It’s been said that life is full of ups and downs. There are moments when things may appear rosy; there are also times when things may not go as planned. There are moments of joy and there are moments to reflect and mourn over certain losses that we may have in life. In the scriptures, Solomon told us about times and seasons. There is a time and season to everything that happens in our lives. In the book of Ecclesiastes, we are told this:

“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-4, KJV)


So, from this scripture we see that there are several seasons in life. We can’t see everything that will happen to us in life, but whatever happens to us, we must develop the capacity to manage the situations that happen to us in life. The scriptures are given to us to find direction, solutions, and make key changes in our lives. In the life of Job, in the scriptures we are told about this man who feared God and was very rich in his time. In his time, he was a man that really feared God and did not mingle with evil. He was rich and well-known amongst the people, and he also had a very large family. Usually, he offered sacrifice on behalf of his children because he wasn’t sure if they had erred against God in their hearts. He was a man that wanted to be right with God at all times. He wanted to live a life that was pleasing to God.

The scriptures are given to us to find direction, solutions, and make key changes in our lives.

This is what the Bible says about him, “There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil” (Job 1:1, KJV). This was a perfect description that the scripture gave about the man Job. There came a time when there was a conversation in heaven about Job. The conversation was between God and the devil. The devil, who is the accuser of brethren, was out to find fault with Job. God put a hedge of protection around Job, his family, and all that He blessed him with.[i]

The Devil saw this and pointed out the fact that the reason Job was so happy and loyal to God was because of the things God had blessed him with. God gave the go-ahead to afflict Job but not to take his life. This was to be a test, a means to shape him more into the kind of person God wanted him to be. The enemy immediately swung into action. Almost in a twinkling of an eye, he lost his entire cattle, servants, his children, and even in marriage. He was left with nothing. In no time, his health also deteriorated and he had boils all over his body.

Despite these many calamities that befell him, he did not renounce his trust and hope in God. Rather, he was strong in faith. He even gave glory to God amidst everything he was suffering. He refused to curse God in his heart and even with his mouth. His wife came to him and advised him to curse God. Apparently, she also could not understand how such evil could befall her husband. Perhaps, she felt she would live on and move on without him being alive. While Job was going through all these, he did not renounce his faith in God. The scripture records, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him” (Job 13:15, KJV). He trusted God despite all that befell him.

Being a Christian is not an invitation to a life of constant ease, smile, and merriment. There will be tough times too.


From the story of Job, we see that when certain negative experience comes upon a believer, it does not mean God has left us. Believers should learn and be able to find hope and confidence in God even during the trying times in life. His story gives us much hope and encouragement and it even gives us a roadmap on how we should live our own lives on earth. Being a Christian is not an invitation to a life of constant ease, smile, and merriment. There will be tough times too. The bible makes us understand that there will be persecutions. There will be trials. The world will mock us and try to ridicule us because of our faith in God. This is something that should be expected, anticipated, and even prepared for.

When the early apostles were arrested, detained, and flogged mercilessly, they rejoiced that they could be partakers of the suffering of Christ on earth. They counted themselves worthy of losing all –even their lives, for the sake of the gospel. Their faith and hope in God were not shaken despite the many persecutions they faced at the hands of their fellow men. Many of the disciples of Jesus died just like their master. Even John the Beloved who escaped death was first thrown into a pot of boiling oil, but he didn’t die. God preserved him.


Persecutions, trials, and temptations are part of the life of a believer. In fact, God uses these things to shape our faith and strengthen our resolve to follow Him. This is why the scripture says, “That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ” (1 Pe. 1:7, KJV).

 God longs to have constant fellowship with us and to guide us through every step we take in life. With the guidance of God, we can accomplish very great things.


Apart from Job, there are other men and women in the scriptures who shared a very special relationship with God. This relationship was characterized by commitment, dedication, love, and sacrifice. Some of them include Enoch, Abraham, Paul, and a host of others. Abraham walked closely with God to the extent that God called Abraham His friend. This unique relationship they shared helps us to learn more about God. God longs to have constant fellowship with us and to guide us through every step we take in life. With the guidance of God, we can accomplish very great things. When we fall out of touch with God, we miss out of the great things that He has in store for us.


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Domain of Human Concerns

You do well in everything else. You do well in faith and in speaking. You do well in knowledge and complete commitment. And you do well in the love we have helped to start in you. So make sure that you also do well in the grace of giving to others.
2 Corinthians 8:7 NIRV

There are many things that are in the realm of human concern. The way life is designed, the moment we are born, we are told of the things that are important and the things that are not. We become responsible for certain things and as we age, we become more involved in life in general. It usually gets to a point where the issues of life crowd out every other important thing which we are meant to pursue or prioritize above other things that we may be involved in.

The way life is designed, the moment we are born, we are told of the things that are important and the things that are not.

Despite all the things that are necessary in life, God still wants us to be concerned about eternal things. In all the chase to make ends meet, there is the need to put God first. The writer of the book of Ecclesiastes emphatically told us to remember God in the days of our youth. It appears as if we have the capacity to forget God. That’s amazing. The presence, power, and influence of God is evident everywhere. Yet, because of the activities and desires of men, we can push God out of the picture of our lives without knowing.


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God always puts the dignity of His person in every promise He made with them

Indeed, the root of Israel’s disobedience was their wrong view of God. They interpreted the power of God on the human level of possibility. Thus, when their spies saw that the Promised Land was indwelt by strong clans living in fortified cities, they were discouraged to obey the command of God. They thought that God can only help them when the situation is humanly manageable. Hence, their faith was not really in God but in their ability, calculation, and resources. Moses saw their doubts and reminded them of the power of the Lord.

Truly, it’s puzzling to see how the Israelites still doubted God despite the wondrous demonstration of God’s power before their very eyes. With one sight of situational difficulty, they forgot the history of God’s powerful manifestation. Doubt fueled by a wrong view of God utterly destroyed their opportunity to enjoy the power and goodness of God’s speech-act in every situation of their lives.

  1. What is man’s greatest challenge?
  2. How did God solve the problem of sin?
  3. How did God demonstrate His love to us?

Father, I thank you for the great sacrifice that Jesus gave on the Cross of Calvary. Thank you for the gift of life. Thank you for saving me and writing my name in the book of life. I confess every sin I may be involved in. Let the waters of your word wash and cleanse me completely from every iniquity. Let my garments always be sparkling. Let not my head be lacking any oil, in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.


Experience the Power of Prophecy as a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.