We all have the same chance at living a long life. Are you going to let yourself be dwarfed? Dwarfed trees only express a millionth of the life an oak should manifest.

Many people put clamps of limitation on their channels of supply. They bind their subconscious mind with wires of fear and worry. It is from being unable to move beyond the last upset or last struggle. It’s a dwarf mentality and there is no growth where a dwarf mentality rules.

Are you ready? God has been telling you to brave because He is telling you to be brave to step out of that cage that limited you all your life. Identify what courageous thing the Lord is telling you to do.

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When I realized that myself, I decided to get rid of Snow White and her 7 Dwarfs: people who are too shortsighted to see a vision that is greater than they are, people who walk around so dwarfed in their mentality and in their faith that they lack vision to see their own greatness in the system.

You may not notice, but the people you surround yourself with can affect your thoughts, your words, your emotions, and soon enough the choices you make. Are you hanging out with poor, stingy, and fearful people? Tell me who your friends are… and you know the rest.


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The goals you have in your life also depend on your identity. If you see yourself as a limited person, then you’ll set minimal goals for your life.

When was the last time you saw yourself according to the eyes of the Lord? Oftentimes, you’ve lost track of your true identity that you’ve let society define who you are, define who you must think, define how you must feel, and define how much prosperity you can enjoy.  However, if you step into the divine nature God created you to have, in His image and likeness, then you can be limitless.


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Power of moment! The moment you stop expecting more of life, is the moment life starts looking around for other and better outlets. The only thing that can restrict life’s expression is the channel through which it works. So, stop dancing with limitations.

Two people have different attitudes to blessings. Being expectant and being entitled are two different things.

Being expectant of blessings make you a channel for blessing. You are ready to flow in the power of moment. On the other hand, being entitled to blessings make you a bucket ready to receive a blessing, but with a limit to what you can receive in the power of the moment. Being entitled to the blessing is born out of pride.

You don’t deserve blessings. Even if you give everything you have, you can never earn a single blessing from your Creator. But, because you know that God is good, you can be expectant by the power of the moment. You can rely on God’s goodness and faithfulness that God’s blessing is coming. When you have a heart that is sustained by faith in the Lord, then the blessings will flow.


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The moment a tree branch stops growing is the moment a new branch spawns to let the tree seek its better expression in a new direction. People operate in a similar way. When they are no longer branching out in one area, they look for another place for better expression. Life prods you, forces you, to seek out better expression.

Even when it comes to your finances, you are meant to be growing and see the power of the moment. You are not meant to be shrinking back.

As you give to others, your money expands its territory, blessing expression everything in its path. When you withhold your money, you stunt your growth. You need to be comfortable enough in your abundance to be able to grow.

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The mere existence of the seed is all that is necessary to bring forth a manifestation; it doesn’t matter where the seed lands or what kind of life it has (what kind of life you have). This law is true throughout nature: need creates action, and in all creatures that aren’t human that action occurs without hesitation, without analysis.  You have to use what you have to get what you want, and your faith is the most powerful of your “haves.”  Don’t deny yourself the opportunities awaiting you.

God has placed eternity in your hearts — it is the well of your desires.

It is because of what Christ has done on the cross that you can ask the Father in Heaven for what you desire — the desires that He himself created for you to have. He created those desires for the very reason of fulfilling them.  The blessings are already in the spiritual realm even before you ask the Lord for them. The issue is not God’s ability to provide. The issue is the relationship you have with God.


Experience the Power of Prophecy as a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.


Are you withholding the seed because you are going through tough financial times? As you let the power of the seed grow, as you sow it and you allow it to work for you, you will see that the hard season has passed.

God is using that seed to test your faith. Where do you place your trust? Do you place you trust in your seed, or do you place it in the One who created and provided for that seed?

God is telling you to use this seed to get you through the hard times. You are not supposed to eat the seed.

You are not supposed to consume your seed. You are supposed to sow it and nourish it by faith.  If you do not sow the seed, how can you expect it to bear fruit?

The ability of the seed to bless you does not change in the seasons. Use it for the purpose it was given to you. Sow and see it bear fruit. Sow and be expectant of a harvest.


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THE PRIMARY CAUSE For every effect, there must first be a cause, and for every need, there is a solution. The seed is a primary cause, the nucleus that uses its energy to send forth roots to draw in nutrients. Need is the same thing, the nucleus that drives action — a need for a promotion, car, a house, a spouse, children, etc. First there is need, and then there is the satisfaction of the need. You must feel the loss before you can be inspired to move toward the gain.

Your destiny, just like that of the tree seed, is to fulfill your great potential.

God gave you a seed, and it’s trying to manifest the blessing that came with it. It may be a house, a car, a new business, or even a more general entrepreneurial style. But you have to know there is something out there to reach for and that you’ll be able to grasp it, if you’re to be like the sprout whose roots extend far beyond the rocks. It all starts with giving, with sending a message in the spiritual realm —presenting the need and the faith you have that you will receive—something more or it may lead to the primary cause.


Give and it will be given to you, good measure, pressed down and shaken together and running over will be put into your bosom, for with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you (Luke 6:38).


Unless you are ready to operate according to the Kingdom of God’s rules, you will continue to operate according to the world’s system — you will continue to become limited and finite.

Sow goodness into the lives of others. It is truly more blessed to give than to receive. As you give to others, you are emptying yourself out to be blessed more. God wants you to get how His economy works.

As you begin to move in light of eternity, you will notice your mindset, your thoughts, your actions, and your words change. Align your life with God’s economy, and it will be according to God’s economy that you will sow and be blessed.


Experience the Power of Prophecy as a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.



You must learn the journey of the seed, because understanding that process will help you produce a harvest of health, happiness, love, success, and prosperity. All of that is found in the journey of the seed. Once you recognize how easy it actually is to reach your destination, you’ll celebrate just the idea of your future before it is close to becoming a reality, because to you, the idea will be the same as reality.

The seed uses all the power it has to bring forth fruit.

When the seed finds it has no nutrients in its immediate sphere, it puts forth roots to draw the necessary elements from the soil around it. When your soul knows it needs something to achieve abundance, it will search it out just like the roots coming out of a seed.

You choose the fruit you bear and nurture your life according to this choice you’ve made today.

Allow this “seed” that God has placed in your life to be nurtured by love, by hope, by faith, by generosity, and by joy. Protect it from any negative elements. The world is filled with so much negativity, it is so easy to be exposed. However, you need to be intentional about the fruit you want to bear in your life.


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Don’t focus on poverty or death, because whatever you focus on, you magnify—even if your focus is an effort to keep it away from you.

Whatever you give your attention, you’ll grow. If you pay attention to negativity, that’s what will bloom in your life.  Your focus, your attention, invites the object of your attention into your life.

Imagine, for instance, that you’re trying to quit smoking: if after smoking that last cigarette, you constantly think, “I won’t have a cigarette, I won’t have a cigarette, I won’t have a cigarette,” the only thing on your mind is a cigarette. If, on the other hand, activities occupy what used to be smoking time, and cravings are recognized but then cast aside and ignored, the obsession with a cigarette and the likelihood of that cigarette being smoked are all but eliminated.


Experience the Power of Prophecy as a gift to open your mind to receive the Mind of Christ.

Law of First Cause

“When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.”

This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth; you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to act in accordance with all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall be successful.

Joshua 1:8 NRSV


The primary cause of any series of events can never be negative. Negation is the condition which arises from the absence of active causation. This means that a negative—be it negative behavior or a lack of action—can never result in a positive, or forward, action.

You are like the nucleus of a seed; what you draw, you become.

A seed that receives no sun, no water, and no nutrients does not grow; it dries up and blows away. A seed that is properly planted and watered, sprouts a growth that rises through the soil to meet the sun. Every nucleus and every seed contains within itself enough vitality to draw to itself every element it needs for complete growth and fruition. Work on your nucleus. Believe you will receive, and you will quickly draw to you all the riches you need.

Do you even believe that the Creator of the Universe wanted you to live in lack? Why would He create an entire universe before He created human beings if He intended for humans to be in lack? God created abundance and prosperity before He even created human beings.


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God can do anything

When we choose to begin to see things from the perspective of God, everything becomes very easy and simple. God can do anything.

When we choose to begin to see things from the perspective of God, everything becomes very easy and simple. God can do anything. This is why He is called omnipotent. When we learn to rest in His divine ability and grace, He infuses us with supernatural strength and ability to accomplish great things for Him. We cannot achieve breakthroughs on our own.

God is the giver of wisdom and knowledge. He can inspire us to do things that will literally take the world by surprise. This is why the Bible says that,
“But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him” (1 Cor. 2:9, KJV).
This means that God has something more in store for us –something that is way beyond what we can ever ask, think, or even imagine.

Many people have dreams, but only a few people achieve them. It is required that people pursue their dreams in order to see them realized. Nothing can ever move if there is no external force attached to it. Things only happen when there are considerable efforts put in place to ensure that it happens. Action and consistency in the pursuit of one’s goals are needed to reach the great heights we may have envisioned for ourselves and for others. God has a way of supplying grace and wisdom to those who are committed to the journey to destiny.

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