Entries by Bishop Jordan Blogs

The Prophetic Mantle

  The Prophetic Mantle: Every prophet is a reformer. Woe to the prophet-less culture, for it, has no one to tell it when it’s headed to destruction and guide it back to safety. – Wallace Henley 5The company of prophets who were at Jericho drew near to Elisha, and said to him, “Do you know […]

Spirit of Prophecy

Levels of the spirit of prophecy:  Men do not accept their prophets and slay them, but they love their martyrs and worship those whom they have tortured to death,  – Fyodor Dostoevsky 38 When Elisha returned to Gilgal, there was a famine in the land. As the company of prophets was sitting before him, he said […]

Prayer in the Spirit 

By prayer in the Spirit, i.e. glossolalia or praying in tongues, you can find prophecy flowing more naturally (Acts 19:6). By Prayer in the Spirit, the prophet also experiences edification or being personally built up (1 Cor. 14; Jude 1:20). You are filled so that you can also be a blessing to others. Moreover, prayer […]

Fasting in the Bible

Fasting in the Bible is that: The Bible consistently records how in seasons of fasting and prayer, the Holy Spirit speaks (Acts 13:2). Every effective prophetic ministry from experience has been established from people who fasted and prayed. By fasting, one’s spiritual discernment opens up more readily. Fasting has a powerful impact in the spiritual […]

The Kingdom of God

What is the Kingdom of God: James tells us about the kingdom of God, the body without the spirit is dead, and so is faith without deeds (Jas. 2:26). When one is doing the works of the Father, this practice increases the deeds you do. Moreover, this also increases your faith to facilitate increased prophetic […]

Keep praising God in the dry season

Keep praising God in the dry season, because soon the rain will come, and you will be filled anew. Like any other season, dry seasons don’t last forever. Seasons will change. You need to keep the faith and keep trusting God in the dryness. Keep praising God in the dry season, because soon the rain […]

The Dry Season

The Dry Season is no doubt a tough season. You have probably gone through different moments in your life that have been characterized by a lack — whether it be a lack of motivation, a lack of resources, or a lack of confidence. It’s a season where you feel lack. For believers, it’s usually called […]


Season change. we are Examining Your Season:  We experience winter, spring, summer, and fall. We cannot plead or threaten season to stay or to leave. Seasons shift at the right time. All you can do to operate productively in each season is to recognize which one you are in so that you can be aware […]

Pride in your own capabilities

Do you believe your ability to hear from God is infallible or fail-proof? Do you give perfect prophecies all the time? It is a mistake to believe we are infallible in our gift to hear from God. The Bible even teaches us to weigh prophecies (1 Cor. 14:29, 1 Thess. 5:19-21) because sometimes God’s prophets […]